Who Are You?

A little while ago in an interview I was asked this question: “What have you learned about who you are in light of the Restored Gospel?” You can tell this was a special interview just from the question. It’s perhaps the most beautiful question I have ever been asked and it changed my life. After pausing for a moment I responded with a truth I didn’t realize I knew until it came out of my mouth and the Spirit bore witness to my heart that not only was it true, but I believed it. I responded: “I have come to know that I am of invaluable worth. I am a Child of God the greatest being in the Universe who created all things. I am His Child and He is my Father. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for me. I know that even if I was the only one on the earth the Savior still would have suffered just the same for me. I am a Child of God.” My own answer brought tears to my eyes. How powerful is that?

We, each and every one of us is a Child of God and we are each of invaluable worth. I don’t know if we ever truly internalize that truth. Invaluable. Meaning there is no value that can be placed on anyone of us. No title. No amount of money. Nothing. We are all invaluable. The Savior suffered more than the human mind can even imagine for each one of us. He loves us and was willing to pay the highest price. That simple understanding, that simple witness from the Spirit, that I am invaluable changed everything. Where doubt and fear once had a place there was now faith and courage. Where darkness once dwelt there is light. Where sadness and sorrow slept joy has awakened. My whole view of myself and others changed in two minutes on a Wednesday morning on the 5th floor of an old building in downtown Salt Lake.

Life can change like that. It changes in these little moments. Of course these little moments are influenced by days, months, and years of struggles and victories, but these moments of epiphanies can change us in a heartbeat. That’s what this blog is all about. Those little flecks of gold. Those little flecks of wisdom that come in a moment but last a lifetime. We all have them. You have them and I have them. This space on the wide world web is a place I’ve decided to share mine with you. I get these moments a lot. They come often and frequently and I constantly see the world differently as they do. I write them down to further understand them, but hope at the same time that they can be something that benefits you and helps you through whatever life has decided to throw at you today. I hope you enjoy the journey of life as much as I. Thank you! -Kye